Idaho's Scenic Rivers

The Payette Land Trust is dedicated to helping you protect and preserve wild lands for your recreation and for the benefit of the natural ecosystem. This project hopes to establish easements along local river corridors. The primary concern is establishing easements along the North Fork of the Payette from McCall to Cascade Lake but protecting water quality along any of the local water courses is a great benefit to the environment and a goal that the Land Trust has adopted.

The primary goal is to create wildlife corridors that will be protected even as McCall continues to grow and Long Valley sees further development. A secondary goal is to create boater access and walking trails to allow locals to enjoy this natural resource for generations to come.

PLT has already helped establish protective easements for 1.5 miles of riverfront. Local land owners have shared this vision and placed restrictions on their own land in order to leave a lasting legacy of open space for the benefit of the community.

Our waterways, lakes, and the wild country around them are what draw most people to this area. Development is inevitable however, so we hope to work with you to define the right way to protect this land for your use and the well-being of the wildlife.

As always, we hope to support the dreams of the McCall community and preserve what you love about this place we call home.

Call to Action: We’re looking for donations to support an awareness campaign and outreach to local landowners. We’re looking for you to voice your support. If you own land along this stretch of river, we’d love to meet and hear your concerns or interest for this project.